Template For Writing A Business Proposal

man and computer

You've got the contacts, you get invited to pitch and put forward a tender. Do you know how to write a good business proposal? Want to see one type of business proposal template that could help you secure the work? 

Our template and quick guide could help you pull together enough information in a format that means you're able to write a simple business proposal that will help you secure new work.

What To Put In Your Proposal?

Your intended goal in response to what the potential new business wants, will define the actual content of any proposal.

People sometimes write simple business proposals to persuade the reader to take an action, make a selection, reach a decision, spend money, offer a job, or grant a raise. You must anticipate the information that will be required by the reader in your business proposal to take the action you desire and then design a document that will achieve your goal.

How Do You Start It?

Your simple business proposal should start with an introduction to what you plan to accomplish and how they will benefit (start by explaining what's in it for them).

Then provide your work plan, including methodologies, resources, and schedule. You might also provide your resume to support your ability to deliver as promised. Once you've laid this foundation, provide your pricing and rationale, emphasising the return on investment and value.

Remember, your proposal is only a part of how you achieve your goal. If you are a consultant, remember that what they are buying is you - not the document you've just completed. You will need to practice your salesmanship.

Is There A Winning Template?

Not really. Unfortunately (and fortunately depending on how you look at it) every firm and tender is different.

There are obviously some sensible topic areas you should always include though. Every company will look for something different and they would quickly see similarities between proposals if they were all the same. You want to make the company feel wanted with something that answers the brief.

A straight- forward 'formula' :



Who will do the work, who will manage the work, who does the customer call if there is a problem, who is responsible for what



What needs to be done/delivered, what will be required to do it, what can the customer expect, what it will cost



Where will the work be done, where will it be delivered



How will be work be done, how will it be deployed, how will it be managed, how will you achieve quality assurance and customer satisfaction, how will risks be mitigated, how long will it take, how will the work benefit the customer



Define your timelines. When will you start, when will key milestones be scheduled, when will the project be complete and of course when will payments be due for the work you are completing.



Why have you chosen the approaches and alternatives you have selected, why the customer should select you


Final Checking - Before You Send!

Read, read and read again. Then give it someone you trust and value, that's never read it (someone that knows what it's about if it's at all technical in nature) and ask them to appraise honestly and in red pen.

That way you have ensured it reads well and makes sense. Your document has not missed any vital points out and finally delivers against the brief you were asked to pitch for in the first place!



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